Table of Contents

The Capsis documentation

1. Using Capsis: documentation for the end-users

This section is for the Capsis end-users who were given a Capsis installer (Zip or IzPack jar version) by a Capsis modeller (see the Capsis charter). Your installer generally contains only few models (the other models in Capsis are not all free). For a complete and up to date list of projects, see the models page.

2. Developing in Capsis: documentation for the modellers

This section is for the Capsis modellers. You have the complete version of Capsis including all the models thanks to the Capsis charter. You can find here documentations about Capsis, Java and various tools used in the Capsis project as well as reports, training courses and various other documents.

2.1 Getting started

2.2 Developing modules

2.3 Extensions

2.4 Scripting

2.5 Documenting and distributing your model

2.6 Good practices

2.7 Libraries

2.8 Specific concerns

2.9 Technical topics for skilled developers

3. Training lessons

Last version

The Capsis training online (May 2024) +++

Capsis 4.2.6 training (January 2020)

Other versions of the Capsis training

The former versions are available on this archive page.

4. Presentations and other documentations

5. Reports of Capsis / FOREM annual meetings

The Capsis annual meetings take place each year during the FOREM meeting (formerly CAQSIS). All the members are invited to talk together about the current / active / short term beginning projects. Every meeting results in a report that you can find below.


FOREM : Forest And Modeling

FOREM is the animation network of French-speaking researchers and developers involved in the modeling of forest-wood systems in their environments.

Its objective is to create opportunities for meetings and exchanges around the study of forest dynamics and the genetic, environmental and silvicultural factors that control it. Topics also cover interactions with the socio-economic sphere: forest-wood sector, ecosystem services, risk management, territories. Thesis and job offers are regularly sent to the network's mailing list.

The members of the Capsis project, a simulation platform for forest growth and dynamics models, meet within the framework of this network.

The FOREM network is an inter-organism and multidisciplinary scientific animation tool supported by INRAE's ECODIV department (formerly INRA's EFPA department). From 1999 to 2019, this network was called the CAQ network and then CAQSIS.

The Capsis platform modellers have been meeting each year since 1999, first in a dedicated Capsis meeting around April, then since 2011, it joined with the annual meeting of the CAQ network (Gérard Nepveu - INRA Lerfob, Nancy) to become the CAQSIS meeting (Céline Meredieu, Mathieu Fortin (until 2015), Francis Colin (2016-2017), Thiéry Constant and Francois de Coligny), itself turned into the FOREM meeting in 2020.

Reports of the meetings :

Mensuration and modelling for forestry in a changing environment

A topical collection with 11 edited papers in Annals of Forest Science, managed by the FOREM network coordinators, supervised by Céline Meredieu in 2017-2021 : see this page.

List of the included papers:

Cordonnier, T., Bourdier, T., Kunstler, G. et al. Covariation between tree size and shade tolerance modulates mixed-forest productivity. Annals of Forest Science 75, 101 (2018). doi

André, F., de Wergifosse, L., de Coligny, F. et al. Radiative transfer modeling in structurally complex stands: towards a better understanding of parametrization. Annals of Forest Science 78, 92 (2021). doi

Renaud, JP., Vega, C., Durrieu, S. et al. Stand-level wind damage can be assessed using diachronic photogrammetric canopy height models. Annals of Forest Science 74, 74 (2017). doi

de Wergifosse, L., André, F., Goosse, H. et al. CO2 fertilization, transpiration deficit and vegetation period drive the response of mixed broadleaved forests to a changing climate in Wallonia. Annals of Forest Science 77, 70 (2020). doi

Morin, X., Damestoy, T., Toigo, M. et al. Using forest gap models and experimental data to explore long-term effects of tree diversity on the productivity of mixed planted forests. Annals of Forest Science 77, 50 (2020). doi

Seynave, I., Bailly, A., Balandier, P. et al. GIS Coop: networks of silvicultural trials for supporting forest management under changing environment. Annals of Forest Science 75, 48 (2018). doi

Schütz, JP., Rosset, C. Performances of different methods of estimating the diameter distribution based on simple stand structure variables in monospecific regular temperate European forests. Annals of Forest Science 77, 47 (2020). doi

Duchateau, E., Schneider, R., Tremblay, S. et al. Density and diameter distributions of saplings in naturally regenerated and planted coniferous stands in Québec after various approaches of commercial thinning. Annals of Forest Science 77, 38 (2020). doi

Parsons, R.A., Pimont, F., Wells, L. et al. Modeling thinning effects on fire behavior with STANDFIRE. Annals of Forest Science 75, 7 (2018). doi

Le Goff, N., Ningre, F. & Ottorini, JM. Modeling size-density trajectories of even-aged ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) stands in France. A baseline to assess the impact of Chalara ash dieback. Annals of Forest Science 78, 3 (2021). doi

Fortin, M., Van Couwenberghe, R., Perez, V. et al. Evidence of climate effects on the height-diameter relationships of tree species. Annals of Forest Science 76, 1 (2019). doi

6. Conventions, norms

7. References