Table of Contents
A Java - C++ connection with JNA for the Phelib library in Capsis
This work is under progress
These are working notes for the Phelib connection to Capsis, made in June 2015 (Isabelle chuine, Yassine Motié, Inaki Garcia, Gallian Colombeau, Hendrik Davi, Hélène Raynal, Eric Casellas, F. de Coligny)
Useful Links
- Trouble while searching the dll:
Preparation notes:
- Phelib source files in /home/coligny/des-trucs/phelib
- Downloaded jdk 7 windows 32 and 64 bits
- Compile the dll for windows 64 bits
- copy the dll to capsis4/ext/windows64/
- make sure the dll path is in java.library.path AND in the system PATH variable
- Add in capsis.bat : PATH=%jlp%;$PATH
Notes de fin de réunion 30 juin 2015 Avignon
fonctions interface possibles :
String getVersion () init (String path_xml_file) appelle execute () de phelib int getPhaseCount () retoure le nombre de phases gérées par le métamodèle utilisable pour tailler les tableaux float[] de la fonction f(), en fin de signature f (site, year, doy, latitude, float[] climat_t, Dans l'ordre attendu par Phelib (recompilation si changelent de modèle Phelib) Exemple : tmoy, tmin, tmax, pre, wind float[] climat_t+1, Idem, même ordre (incluant tmin_t+1, Option 2) int[] prevId, float[] prevValue, -> valeurs retournées la veille int[] newId, float[] newValue); -> resultats : phases et valeurs
Quelques erreurs rouges dans Dependency Walker
2 fics: dll et dlla
Localisation du projet, sources Phelib: C:/tmp
dans standalone/src/CmakeList SHARED → dll (sinon STATIC)
c:/boost_include c:/mingw
compilation c:/Users/051E999/local/lib → libPhelib.dll
La méthode getVersion n'est pas trouvée par Java
Commandes de compilation de libPhelib.dll
fc - 1.7.2015
Notes suite a la reunion Phelib d'Avignon avec Hélène Raynal, EricCasellas, Gallian Colombeau, Isabelle Chuine, Yassine Motié, fc
Effectué sur le portable collectif AMAP CIRE999 sous Windows 64 bits
> cd /tmp/phelib/build >C:\tmp\phelib\build>cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='%HOMEDRIV E%%HOMEPATH%\local\' -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR="C://boost_include" -DBUILD_VLE_SOURCE_ PKGS=OFF .. C:\tmp\phelib\build>mingw32-make.exe -j 4 C:\tmp\phelib\build>mingw32-make.exe install
Sources Phelib : dans c:\tmp\phelib
Arborescence de Gallian et Eric : c:/tmp/ boost_1_55_0/ phelib/ PhelibInterface.cpp PhelibInterface.hpp
Travail du 2.7.2015
Des exemples de functions interfaces à la fonction compute en place dans Phelib (modification différée pou qu'elle renvoie plusieurs phases en cours).
// PhelibInterface.hpp #ifndef PHELIB_CORE_PHELIBINTERFACE_HPP_ #define PHELIB_CORE_PHELIBINTERFACE_HPP_ #include<phelib/core/MetaModel.hpp> #include<string> namespace phelib{ /** * @brief Module core, contient tous les composants de base. */ namespace core{ /** * An front-end to Phelib, with public functions in a Dll. * These functions can be called from other languages * (e.g. Java through JNA). * * Yassine Motié, Isabelle Chuine, Francois de Coligny - July 2015 */ class PhelibInterface { // Reference to the MetaModel created in init() MetaModel metamodel; public: PhelibInterface(); // Returns the version of Phelib std::string getVersion() const { return "5.0"; } // Inits the metamodel with the given xml file name void init(const &std::string); // Returns the number of Phases this MetaModel manages int getPhaseCount() const; // A link function to compute () with only simple types void f1(int site, int year, int doy, float latitude, unsigned int nVariables, float* climateDoy, float* climateDayAfter, float prevValue, float & newValue); // LATER: a link function to the new compute () returning one or several // active phases for a given doy // void f2(int site, int year, int doy, float latitude, unsigned int nVariables, // float* climateDoy, float* climateDayAfter, int* prevIds, float* prevValues, // int* phaseIds, float* phaseValues); }; } } #endif
// PhelibInterface.cpp #include<phelib/core/PhelibInterface.hpp> #include<phelib/io/XMLFormat.hpp> namespace phelib{ /** * @brief Module core, contient tous les composants de base. */ namespace core{ // Inits the metamodel with the given xml file name void PhelibInterface::init(const &std::string filename) { metamodel.execute<io::InputXMLFormat>(filename); } // Returns the number of Phases this MetaModel manages int Phelib::getPhaseCount() const { return metamodel.getPhaseCount(); } // A link function to compute () with only simple types void f1(int site, int year, int doy, float latitude, int nVariables, float* climateDoy, float* climateDayAfter, float prevValue, float & newValue) { // Créer un WeatherDay pb::weather::WeatherDay day; day.station = site; day.latitude = latitude; day.year = year; day.doy = doy; day.tmean = climateDoy[0]; day.tmin = climateDoy[1]; day.tmax = climateDoy[2]; if (nVariables > 3) { for (int i = 3; i < nVariables; i++) { day->push(climateDoy[i]); } } // Le mettre dans un WeatherSlider pb::weather::WeatherSlider slider(day); double v = metamodel.compute(slider, (double) prevValue); newValue = (float) v; } } }