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The following publications are directly or indirectly related to Capsis: they were co-written by Capsis developers or modellers part of the project, or they simply reference the Capsis project.

Main Capsis reference (preferred for citation)

Dufour-Kowalski S., Courbaud B., Dreyfus P., Meredieu C., de Coligny F., 2012. Capsis: an open software framework and community for forest growth modelling. Annals of Forest Science (2012) 69:221–233 pdf, doi

It would be appreciated if you refer in your publications to the use of Capsis by indicating 'Capsis' in keywords, and/or quoting Capsis in acknowledgements, with a sentence such as: 'This work was based on the Capsis platform,'.

Guignabert A., Jonard M., Messier C., André F., de Coligny F., Doyon F., Ponette Q. 2024. Adaptive forest management improves stand-level resilience of temperate forests under multiple stressors. Science of the Total Environment. Accepted

Grünig M., Rammer W., Albrich K., André F., Augustynczik A.L.D., Bohn F., Bouwman M., Bugmann H., Collalti A., Cristal I., Dalmonech D., De Caceres M., de Coligny F., Dobor L., Dollinger C., Forrester D.I., Garcia-Gonzalo J., Ramón González J., Hiltner U., Hlásny T., Honkaniemi J., Huber N., Jonard M., Jönsson A.M., Lagergren F., Nieberg M., Mina M., Mohren F., Moos C., Morin X., Muys B., Peltoniemi M., Reyer C.P.O., Storms I., Thom D., Toïgo M., Seidl R. 2024. A harmonized database of European forest simulations under climate change. Data in Brief, Volume 54, ISSN 2352-3409, doi

Metsaranta J.M., Fortin M., White J.C., Sattler D., Kurz W.A., Penner M., Edwards J., Hays-Byl W., Comeau R., Roy V. 2024. Climate sensitive growth and yield models in Canadian forestry: Challenges and opportunities. The Forestry Chronicle. 26 February 2024. doi

Barrere J., Ligot G., Boulanger V., Collet C., Courbaud B., de Coligny F., Mårell A., Saïd S., Balandier P., 2023. Oak regeneration facing deer browsing: Can competition between saplings offset the diversion effect? A simulation experiment. Ecological Modelling, volume 489, March 2024, 110608, doi

Godineau C., Fririon V., Beudez N., de Coligny F., Courbet F., Ligot G., Oddou-Muratorio S., Sanchez L., Lefèvre F. 2023. A demo-genetic model shows how silviculture reduces natural density-dependent selection in tree populations. Evolutionary Applications, 16, 1830–1844. doi

Fririon, V., Lefèvre, F. 2023 Simulation data with the demo-genetic forest model Luberon2: random thinning and disturbance scenarios in Cedrus atlantica. doi, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Maris C., Meredieu C., Ehrenmann F., Labbé T., de Lary R., et al. 2023. Les bases d’un outil d’aide au déclenchement des éclaircies : SYLV’ÉCLAIR. Forêt et Innovation, 1, pp.16-19. ⟨hal-04105352⟩

Bilot N., Deleuze C., Saint-André L., Rogaume Y., Fournier M., Wernsdörfer H. 2023. Management-related energy, nutrient and worktime efficiencies of the wood fuel production and supply chain: modelling and assessment. Annals of Forest Science, 80, 15, doi

Ligot G., Gheysen T., Perin J, Candaele R., de Coligny F., Claessens H., Licoppe A., Lejeune P. 2023. From the simulation of the dynamics of coniferous pure even-aged stands to the quantification of bark- tripping damages by ungulates. European Journal of Forest Research, 142, pp. 899–916 (2023). link

Guignabert A., Ponette Q., André F., Messier C., Nolet P., Jonard M. 2023. Validation of a new spatially explicit process-based model (HETEROFOR) to simulate structurally and compositionally complex forest stands in eastern North America, Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 1661–1682, doi

Fournier S., Sardin T., Dreyfus Ph., Francois D., Mandret X., Simeoni M., Renaud J.-P., Akroume E., Bouvet A., Berthelot A., Wernsdörfer H., Riviere M., Sainte‑Marie J., Breteau‑Amores S., de Coligny F., Deleuze C. 2022. Dendrometric data from the silvicultural scenarios developed by Office National des Forêts (ONF) in France: a tool for applied research and carbon storage estimates. Annals of Forest Science 79:48 doi

Fortin M., Lavoie J.-F., Régnière J., Saint-Amant R. 2022. A Web API for weather generation and pest development simulation in North America, Environmental Modelling & Software, in press, doi

Fortin M. and Lavoie J.-F. 2022. Reconciling individual-based forest growth models with landscape-level studies through a meta-modelling approach. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. e-First doi

Ruffault J., Pimont F., Cochard H., Dupuy J.-L., Martin-StPaul N. 2022. SurEau-Ecos v2.0: a trait-based plant hydraulics model for simulations of plant water status and drought-induced mortality at the ecosystem level. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 5593–5626, 2022. doi

Sandim, A., Silva, M. E. , Gonçalves, A. C. , Tomé, M., & Fonseca, T. F. 2022. Management of Pinus pinaster Aiton for Wood and Resin Production: A Technical-Financial Feasibility Analysis. In A. C. Gonçalves, & T. Fonseca (Eds.), Conifers - Recent Advances. IntechOpen. doi

Antón-Fernández, C., Astrup, R. 2022. SiTree: A framework to implement single-tree simulators. SoftwareX, 18, 2022, 100925, ISSN 2352-7110, doi.

Fonseca, Teresa, Gonçalves, Ana, Lousada, José. 2022. Maritime Pine, Its Biological and Silvicultural Traits for the Basis of Natural Resources: An Overview. In Conifers - Recent Advances, edited by Ana Gonçalves, Teresa Fonseca. London: IntechOpen, 2022. link

Cabral, M., Fonseca, T.F., Cerveira, A. 2022. Optimization of Forest Management in Large Areas Arising from Grouping of Several Management Bodies: An Application in Northern Portugal. Forests 13, no. 3: 471. doi

Brèteau-Amores, S., Fortin, M., Andrés-Domenech, P., Andrés-Domenech P., Bréda, N. 2022. Is Diversification a Suitable Option to Reduce Drought-Induced Risk of Forest Dieback? An Economic Approach Focused on Carbon Accounting. Environ Model Assess 27, 295–309 (2022). doi

Delalandre L., Gaüzère P., Thuiller W., Cadotte M., Mouquet N., Mouillot D., Munoz F., Denelle P., Loiseau N., Morin X. and Violle C. 2022. Functionally distinct tree species support long-term productivity in extreme environments. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289:20211694 doi

de Wergifosse, L., André F., Goosse, H., Boczon, A., Cecchini, S., Ciceu, A., Collalti, A., Cools, N., D'Andrea, E., De Vos, B., Hamdi, R., Ingerslev, M., Alban Knudsen, M., Kowalska, A., Leca, S., Matteucci, G., Nord-Larsen, T., GM Sanders, T., Schmitz, A., Termonia, P., Vanguelova, E., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Verstraeten, A., Vesterdal, L., Jonard, M., 2022. Simulating tree growth response to climate change in structurally diverse oak and beech forests. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 806, Part 2, ISSN 0048-9697, doi.

Fortin M., Sattler D., and Schneider R. 2021. An alternative simulation framework to evaluate the sustainability of annual harvest on large forest estates. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 52(5): 704-715. doi

Aussenac R., Pérot T., Fortin M., de Coligny F., Monnet J-M., Vallet P. 2021. The Salem simulator version 2.0: a tool for predicting the productivity of pure and mixed forest stands and simulating management operations. Open Research Europe 2021, 1:61, doi

André, F., de Wergifosse, L., de Coligny, F., Beudez, N., Ligot, G., Gauthray-Guénet, V., Courbaud, B., Jonard, M., 2021. Radiative transfer modeling in structurally-complex stands: towards a better understanding of parametrization. Annals of Forest Science, (2021) 78:92, doi, view

Jourdan, M., Cordonnier, T., Dreyfus, P., Riond, C., de Coligny, F., Morin, X, 2021. Managing mixed stands can mitigate severe climate change impacts on French alpine forests. Regional Environmental Change, Springer Verlag, 2021, 21 (3), doi

Costa, P., Cerveira, A., Kašpar, J., Marušák, R., Fonseca, T.F. 2021. Forest Management of Pinus pinaster Ait. in Unbalanced Forest Structures Arising from Disturbances—A Framework Proposal of Decision Support Systems (DSS). Forests 2021, 12, 1031. doi

Cochard, H., Pimont, F., Ruffault, J., Martin-StPaul, N. 2021 . SurEau: a mechanistic model of plant water relations under extreme drought. Annals of Forest Science 78, 55 (2021). doi

Serrano-León H, Ahtikoski A, Sonesson J, Fady B, Lindner M, Meredieu C, Raffin A, Perret S, Perot T, Orazio C, 2021. From genetic gain to economic gain: simulated growth and financial performance of genetically improved Pinus sylvestris and Pinus pinaster planted stands in France, Finland and Sweden. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. doi

Morin X., Bugmann H., de Coligny F., Martin‐StPaul N., Cailleret M., Limousin J.-M., Ourcival J.-M., Prevosto B., Simioni G., Toigo M., Vennetier M., Catteau E., Guillemot J., 2021. Beyond forest succession: A gap model to study ecosystem functioning and tree community composition under climate change. Functional Ecology, 2021;00:1–­21, doi

Schneider R., Franceschini T., Duchateau E., Bérubé‑Deschênes A., Dupont‑Leduc L., Proudfoot S., Power H, de Coligny F. 2021. Influencing plantation stand structure through close‑to‑nature silviculture. European Journal of Forest Research, doi, view

Régolini, M., Meredieu, C., Jactel, H., Arias-González, A., Branco, M., Cantero, A., Castro, A., Fraysse, J., Gardiner, B., Hevia, A., Lario, F., Steffy-Pater, C., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Soares, P., & Orazio, C. 2020. Multi-criteria analysis to compare multiple risks associated with management alternatives in planted forests. Forest Systems, 29(2), e004. doi, view

Perin J., Pitchugin M., Hébert J., Brostaux Y., Lejeune P., Ligot G., 2020. SIMREG, a tree-level distance-independent model to simulate forest dynamics and management from national forest inventory (NFI) data. Ecological Modelling, Volume 440, 2021, 109382, doi

Chevalier L., de Coligny F., Labonne J. 2020. A demogenetic agent based model for the evolution of traits and genome architecture under sexual selection, bioRxiv, 2020.04.01.014514, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology. doi

Morin X., Damestoy T., Toigo M., Castagneyrol B., Jactel H., de Coligny F., Meredieu C., 2020. Using forest gap models and experimental data to explore long-term effects of tree diversity on the productivity of mixed planted forests. Annals of Forest Science (2020) 77: 50. doi

de Wergifosse L., André F., Beudez N., de Coligny F., Goosse H., Jonard F., Ponette Q., Titeux H., Vincke C., Jonard M., 2020. HETEROFOR 1.0: a spatially explicit model for exploring the response of structurally complex forests to uncertain future conditions. II. Phenology and water cycle. Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1459–1498, doi

Jonard M., André F., de Coligny F., de Wergifosse L., Beudez N., Davi H., Ligot G., Ponette Q., Vincke C., 2020. HETEROFOR 1.0: a spatially explicit model for exploring the response of structurally complex forests to uncertain future conditions. I. Carbon fluxes and tree dimensional growth. Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 905–935, doi

Fabrika, M., Valent, P. and Merganičová, K. 2019. Forest modelling and visualisation – state of the art and perspectives. Central European Forestry Journal, vol.65, no.3-4, 2019, pp.147-165. doi

Liagre F., Santi F., Sotteau C., de Coligny F., 2019. EcoAF on CAPSIS, simulates the economics effects of your choices when building and managing an agroforestry field !. Poster. 4th World congress on Agroforestry, May 2019, Montpellier, France. online

Lefèvre F., Godineau C., Beudez N., de Coligny F., Courbet F., Oddou-Muratorio S., Sanchez L., Deleuze C., Pichot C., Chartier M., Musch B., François D., Girard S., Guyot J., Le-Legard Moreau L., Riou-Nivert P., Rousselle Y., Salvaudon A., Sédilot-Gasm C., 2019. Un outil de simulation - Comprendre comment la sylviculture modifie la qualité génétique et les capacités d’adaptation des peuplements. Forêt-entreprise - N° 249, pp. 49-51. pdf

Jactel H., Meredieu C., 2019. Évaluation et atténuation des risques multiples en forêts de plantation. Forêt-entreprise - N° 249, p. 39. pdf

Aubry-Kientz, M., Rossi, V., Cornu, G., Wagner, F., Hérault, B., 2019. Temperature rising would slow down tropical forest dynamic in the Guiana Shield. Scientific Reports 9/2019. doi

Bravo, F., Fabrika, M., Ammer, C., Barreiro, S., Bielak, K., Coll, L., Fonseca, T., Kangur, A., Löf, M., Merganičová, K., Pach, M., Pretzsch, H., Stojanović, D., Schuler, L., Peric, S., Rötzer, T., del Río, M., Dodan, M., & Bravo-Oviedo, A. 2019. Modelling approaches for mixed forests dynamics prognosis. Research gaps and opportunities. Forest Systems, 28(1). doi

Parsons R. A., Pimont F., Wells L., Cohn G., Jolly W. M., de Coligny F., Rigolot E., Dupuy J. L., Mell W., Linn R. R., 2018. Modeling thinning effects on fire behavior with STANDFIRE. Annals of Forest Science (2018) 75: 7. doi

Auger I. 2017. Guide d’utilisation du simulateur de croissance forestière Natura-2014 sur Capsis. ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-77510-2 © Gouvernement du Québec Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP), Direction de la recherche forestière (DRF) Mars 2017pdf

Courbaud B., Sardin T., de Coligny F., Cordonnier T., Deleuze C., Francois D., Riond C., Lafond V., Lagarrigues G., 2017. Utilisation du modèle individu centré Samsara2 pour analyser les sylvicultures en peuplement irrégulier. Rendez-Vous Techniques de l'Office National des Forêts, n. 53, automne 2016, ISSN : 1763-6442, link

Pimont F., Dupuy J.-L., Linn R.R. , Parsons R., Martin-StPaul N., 2017. Representativeness of wind measurements in fire experiments: Lessons learned from large-eddy simulations in a homogeneous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 01/2017; 232. link, doi

Power H., Auger I., 2016. Modélisation de la croissance forestière à la Direction de la recherche forestière. Poster. Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec. pdf

Pimont F., Parsons R., Rigolot E., de Coligny F., Dupuy, J.-L., Dreyfus P., Linn R., 2016. Modeling fuels and fire effects in 3D : model description and applications. Environmental Modelling and Software 80, 225-244. doi

Toigo M., Vallet P., Perot T., Bontemps J.D., Piedallu C., Courbaud B., 2015. Overyielding in mixed forests decreases with site productivity. Journal of Ecology 2015, 103, 502–512 doi

Courbaud B., Lafond V., Lagarrigues G., Vieilledent G., Cordonnier T., Jabot F., de Coligny F., 2015. Applying ecological model evaludation: Lessons learned with the forest dynamics model Samsara2. Ecological Modelling, 314: 1-14, doi

Fortin M., 2014. Using a segmented logistic model to predict trees to be harvested in forest growth forecasts. Forest Systems, 23(1): 139-152 doi

Ligot, G., Balandier, P., Courbaud, B., Claessens, H., 2014. Forest radiative transfer models: which approach for which application? Can. J. For. Res. 44:385-397. doi

Ligot, G., Balandier, P., Courbaud, B., Jonard, M., Kneeshaw, D., Claessens, H, 2014. Managing understory light to maintain a mixture of species with different shade tolerance. For. Ecol. Manage. 327:189-200, doi

Oddou-Muratorio, S. and Davi, H., 2014, Simulating local adaptation to climate of forest trees with a Physio-Demo-Genetics model. Evolutionary Applications, 7: 453–467. doi: 10.1111/eva.12143, pdf, doi

de Coligny F., Gaunand A., Colinet L., Jambois A., 2013. CAPSIS / plate-forme de développement de modèles de croissance et de dynamique forestière. INRA, département EFPA, ASIRPA (Analyse Socio‐économique des Impacts de la Recherche Publique Agronomique), ProdINRA, pdf.

Fonseca, T., Viana, H., de Coligny, F., Marques, CP., 2013. Estudo da dinâmica populacional em floresta de pinheiro bravo com recurso ao ModisPinaster. In: Proceedings do 14º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia SPECO/Encontro da Primavera APEP 2013, pp. 73, Bragança, 17 a 19 de junho. ISBN: 978-972-745-158-6. (poster)

Fonseca, T., Viana, H., de Coligny, F., Marques, CP., 2013. O modelo MODISPINASTER como instrumento de apoio à gestão florestal. In: Proceedings da Conferência nacional do projeto FORESTAKE, pp. 55, Universidade de Aveiro, 20 e 21 de setembro de 2013. ISBN: 978-972-98331-2-0. (poster)

Ngo Bieng M.-A., Perot T., de Coligny F., Goreaud F., 2013. Spatial pattern of trees influences species productivity in a mature oak–pine mixed forest. European Journal of Forest Research (2013) 132:841-850, doi

Fonseca T., Parresol B., Marques C. and de Coligny F., 2012. Models to Implement a Sustainable Forest Management - An Overview of the ModisPinaster Model. In Jorge Martin Garcia and Julio Javier Diez Casero (eds.), Sustainable Forest Management - Current Research, ISBN: 978-953-51-0621-0, pp. 321-338, doi

Dufour-Kowalski S., Courbaud B., Dreyfus P., Meredieu C., de Coligny F., 2012. Capsis: an open software framework and community for forest growth modelling. Annals of Forest Science (2012) 69:221–233 pdf, doi

Dreyfus P., 2012. Joint simulation of stand dynamics and landscape evolution using a tree-level model for mixed uneven-aged forests. Annals of Forest Science 69, 2 (2012) 283-303 pdf, doi

Fortin M. & Langevin L., 2012. Stochastic or deterministic single-tree models: is there any difference in growth predictions? Annals of Forest Science (2012) 69:271–282 pdf, doi

Le Moguédec G., Dhôte J.-F., 2012. Fagacées: a tree-centered growth and yield model for sessile oak (Quercus petraea L.) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Annals of Forest Science (2012) 69:257–269. pdf, doi

Lafond V., Cordonnier T., de Coligny F., Courbaud B., 2012. Reconstructing harvesting diameter distribution from aggregate data. Annals of Forest Science (2012) 69:235–243. pdf, doi

MA Wu, LEI Xiang-dong, 2012. Forest growth and management simulation platform CAPSIS and its application. China Forestry Science and Technology. Year 2012, Issue 4, Page 79-83. (Chinese, english abstract: english abstract)

Ma Wu, Shen Chenchen, Lei Xiangdong, Samuel Dufour, Francois de Coligny, 2011. Development of Matrix Growth Model for Larch-Spruce-Fir Forest Based on CAPSIS Platform. Journal of Northeast Forestry University. Year 2011, Issue 9, Page 112-115. (Chinese, english abstract: english abstract)

Auger I., Fortin M., Pothier D., Saucier J.P., 2011. Une nouvelle génération de modèles de prévisions pour les forêts du Québec. Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec, Direction de la Recherche Foretière, Avis de Recherche Forestière no 32. pdf

Rigolot E, de Coligny F, Dreyfus L, Leconte I, Pezzatti B, Vigy O, Pimont F. 2010. FUEL MANAGER: a vegetation assessment and manipulation software for wildfire modeling. Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research. D. X. Viegas (Ed.), link

de Coligny F., Dufour S., Dreyfus P., Courbaud B., Auclair D., 2010. CAPSIS: Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies In Silviculture. In Falcao. AO, Rosset. C (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management. Lisbon, April 2010. OP2.

Labonne, J., Hendry, A.P., 2010. Natural and Sexual Selection Giveth and Taketh Away Reproductive Barriers: Models of Population Divergence in Guppies. The American Naturalist, 176, 1.

Pérot, T., Goreaud, F., Ginisty, C., & Dhôte, J.F., 2010. A model bridging distance-dependent and distance-independent tree models to simulate the growth of mixed forests. Annals of Forest Science, 67, 502 doi

Vieilledent G., Courbaud B., Kunstler G., Dhôte J.-F., Clark J. S., 2010. Individual variability in tree allometries determines light resource allocation in forest ecosystems: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Oecologia. Published online: 19 February 2010. doi download article, download supplementary material

Bouffier L., Raffin A., Rozenberg P., Meredieu C., Kremer A., 2009. What are the consequences of growth selection on wood density in the maritime pine breeding programme?. Tree Genetics and Genomes vol 5 (1): 11-25, doi

Meredieu C., Stokes A., Cucchi, V. 2009. L’apport de la modélisation à la prédiction de la stabilité des peuplements. Le cas du Pin maritime dans les Landes de Gascogne. In : Y. Birot, G. Landmann, I. Bonhême (Eds), La forêt face aux tempêtes. Quae Editions, Paris, p. 261-273

Meredieu C., Dreyfus Ph., Cucchi C., Saint-André L., Perret S., Deleuze C., Dhôte J.F., de Coligny F., 2009. Utilisation du logiciel Capsis pour la gestion forestière. Forêt-entreprise n°186-Mai 2009, 32-36, link

Vallet P., Meredieu C., Seynave I., Bélouard T., Dhôte J.-F., 2009. Species substitution for carbon storage: sessile oak versus Corsican pine in France as a case study. Forest Ecology and Management, 257 (4) : 1314-1323, doi

Brin A., Meredieu C., Piou D., Brustel H., Jactel H. 2008. Changes in quantitative patterns of dead wood in maritime pine plantations. Forest Ecology and management, 256, 913-921, doi

Dreyfus (Ph.), 2008 - Dynamiques du Sapin, du Hêtre et des Pins dans l’arrière-pays méditerranéen : de la modélisation à l’aide à la gestion. Atelier REGEFOR 2007 - Forêts mélangées : quels scénarios pour l’avenir ? Revue Forestière Française, 60, 233-249, doi

Labonne, J., Ravigné, V., Parisi, B., and Gaucherel, C. 2008. Linking dendritic networks structure to population demogenetics : the downside of connectivity. Oikos : 1479-1490, doi

Hong L.X., Tang S.Z., Li H.K., Li Y.C., de Coligny F., 2007. Integrated Stand Growth model (ISGM) and its Application. In: Fourcaud T, Zhang XP, eds. Plant Growth Modeling and Applications. Proceedings of PMA06. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 223-230.

de Coligny F., 2007. Efficient Building of Forestry Modelling Software with the Capsis Methodology. In: Fourcaud T, Zhang XP, eds. Plant Growth Modeling and Applications. Proceedings of PMA06. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 216-222, pdf

Perot T., S. Perret, C. Meredieu et C. Ginisty, 2007. Prévoir la croissance et la production du Pin sylvestre : le module Sylvestris sous Capsis 4. Revue Forestiere Francaise 59(1): 57-84, link

Goreaud F., Alvarez I., Courbaud B., and de Coligny F., 2006. Long-Term Influence of the Spatial Structure of an Initial State on the Dynamics of a Forest Growth Model: A Simulation Study Using the Capsis Platform. Simulation 2006 82: 475-495 pdf, doi

Vallet P., 2005. Impact de différentes stratégies sylvicoles sur la fonction “puits de carbone” des peuplements forestiers. Modélisation et simulation à l'échelle de la parcelle. Thèse de doctorat. Engref, Nancy. 195 p + annexes, doi

Goreaud F., de Coligny F., Courbaud B., Dhôte J.-F., Dreyfus P., Pérot T., 2005. La modélisation : un outil pour la gestion et l'aménagement en forêt. Vertigo 6(2). 12 pp. online

de Coligny F., Meredieu C., Labbé T., Vallet P., Dreyfus P., 2005. Using Capsis for connection with wood quality. In Proceedings of the fifth Workshop “Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality : Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software”, Waiheke Island, New Zealand, 20-27 November 2005, link

Goreaud F., Courbaud B., de Coligny F., 2005. How long does the spatial structure of an initial state influence the dynamics of a forest growth model ? A simulation study using the Capsis platform. In Proceedings of the Open International Conference on Modeling and Simulation - OICMS 2005, 13-15 june 2005, Clermont Ferrand (France), pp 217-230. download, link

de Coligny F., 2005. Capsis: Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies In Silviculture, a software platform for forestry modellers. Workshop on Information Science for Agriculture and Environment (ISAE). 3-4 june 2005, GuiZhou Normal University, GuiYang, P.R. China. download

Cucchi V., Meredieu C., Stokes A., de Coligny F., Suarez J., Gardiner B.A., 2005. Modelling the windthrow risk for simulated forest stands of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Forest Ecology and Management, 213(1-3): 184-196, doi

Dreyfus Ph., Pichot C., de Coligny F., Gourlet-Fleury S., Cornu G., Jésel S., Dessard H., Oddou-Muratorio S., Gerber S., Caron H., Latouche-Hallé C., Lefèvre F., Courbet F., Seynave I., 2005. Couplage de modèles de flux de gènes et de modèles de dynamique forestière. Un dialogue pour la diversité génétique - Actes du 5ème colloque national BRG, Lyon, 3-5 novembre 2004 - Les Actes du BRG n°5, ISBN 2-908447-33-9, 231-250. download

Ancelin P., Courbaud B., Fourcaud T., 2004. Developing an individual tree-based mechanical model to predict wind damage within forest stands. Forest Ecology and management, 203(1-3): 101-121, doi

Meredieu C., Caraglio Y., Saint-André L., de Coligny F., Barczi J.F., 2004. The avantages of coupling stand description from growth models to tree description from architectural models. In Godin C. et al. (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models. Montpellier: UMR AMAP, 243-247. 4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 7-11 june 2004, Montpellier, France. download

de Coligny F., Ancelin P., Cornu G., Courbaud B., Dreyfus P., Goreaud F., Gourlet-Fleury S., Meredieu C., Orazio C., Saint-André L., 2004. Capsis : Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies In Silviculture: Open architecture for a shared forest-modelling platform. In Nepveu G. (Ed.): Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality: Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software. Nancy, France: LERFoB INRA-ENGREF, pp. 371-380. Fourth workshop, IUFRO Working Party S5.01.04, 8-15/09/2002, Harrison Hot Springs Resort, British Columbia, Canada. download

Meredieu C., Stokes A, Cucchi V., Bert D., Berthier S., de Coligny F., Courbaud B., Denis A., Lastennet R., Najar M. 2003. CapForêt. Prédiction de la résistance mécanique de l’arbre au vent : développement d’un système d’expertise destiné aux forestiers par le couplage. CAPSIS / ForestGALES. Final report, 18 p. + annexes, GIP Ecofor / INRA, convention, n° 2002.09/B04156.

Brunet Y., Fourcaud T., Achim A., Belcher R., Calmet I., Caltagirone J.P., Cleugh H., de Coligny F., Devalance M., Druilhet A., Finningan J.J., Foudhil H., Gamboa-Marrufo M., Gardiner B., Guyon D., Hughes D., Irvine M., Lalaud E., Lohou F., Lopez A., Marshall B.J., Mestayuer P., Morse A., Pawu K.T., Raupach M.R., Sellier D., Shaw R.H., Soulier D., Wood C., Yang B., 2003. The Venfor project: wind and forest interactions from tree scale to the landscape scale. In Ruck B., Kottmeier C., Mattheck C., Quine C., Wilhelm G. (Eds). Proceedings of the international conference “Wind effects in trees”. Karlsruhe, Germany: University of Karlsruhe, pp. 3-8. International conference “Wind effects in trees”, 18/09/2003, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, link

Proisy C., Souza Filho P., Prost M. T., Fromard F., Mendes A. C., de Coligny F., 2003. Monitoring the dynamic of the Amazon coast (Pará, Brasil and French Guiana) using a common methodology based on a spatial analysis coupled to a simulation Tool. In Proceeding of the Mangrove 2003 conference, 20-24 May, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil ; 11p. download

Courbaud B., de Coligny F., Cordonnier T., 2003. Simulating radiation distribution in a heterogeneous Norway spruce forest on a slope. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 116(1): 1-18, doi

de Coligny F., Ancelin P., Cornu G., Courbaud B., Dreyfus P., Goreaud F., Gourlet-Fleury S., Meredieu C., Saint-André L., 2003. Capsis : Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies in Silviculture: Advantages of a shared forest-modelling platform. In Amaro, A., Reed, D. and Soares, P. (Eds). Modelling Forest Systems. UK: CABI Publishing, pp. 319-323. Relality, models and parameters estimation - the forestry scenario, 2-5/06/2002, Sesimbra, Portugal.

Cornu G., Gourlet-Fleury S., de Coligny F., 2002. Using CAPSIS to simulate the dynamics of tropical rain forest: developing new modeling tools for ecologists and forest managers. Relality, models and parameters estimation – the forestry scenario, Sesimbra, Portugal, (2-5/06/2002) [poster].

Orazio C., Meredieu C., Saint-André L., de Coligny F., 2002. Building bridges between modellers and end-users. A case study of Southern Europe. Colloque IUFRO, IEFC, ISA on Incorporating forest growth models into decision-support tools for sustainable forest management, 6-8 June 2002, Lisbon, Portugal [poster].

Gardel, A., Proisy C., Gratiot, N., Polidori, L., de Coligny, F., 2002. Du banc de vase à la mangrove : apport d'une série d’images SPOT 1986-2001 pour le suivi de la dynamique du littoral guyanais. Proc. VI Worshop ECOLAB, Belém, Pará, Brésil, 22-29/09/2002 ; 10 p.

Courbaud B., Goreaud F., Dreyfus Ph., Bonnet F.R., 2001. Evaluating thinning strategies using a tree distance dependent growth model: some examples based on the CAPSIS software “uneven-aged spruce forests'' module. Forest Ecology and Management, 145: 15-28, doi

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