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A set of 25 years old douglas trees with branches and crown obtained with Simcop_Qual, Sainte-Marie et al. 2021 (Guillaume Salzet, Thomas Aiguier, Julien Sainte-Marie, Francis Colin, October 2023)

A forest growing during 1000 years with the Forceeps model (click twice on the image, Xavier Morin, January 2023)

Simulation with Phenofit4 of Quercus ilex current distribution in Europe, using parameters from backward calibration (Victor van der Meersch, November 2022)

Ecoaf: Adding exclusion polygons in a parcel (Frédérique Santi, August 2022)

Samsara2: a simulation on the Vivey II Marteloscope with a Samsara2 script using a command file prepared in R (B. Courbaud, June 2022)

Ecoaf: a radiative balance for a chosen parcel with a link to the SamsaraLight library (Frédérique Santi / Benoit Courbaud et al., April 2022)

Luberon2: simulation of three successive generations in a Douglas fir forest: founder trees, natural regeneration and regeneration after a selective thinning (Victor Fririon, Francois Lefèvre, INRAE URFM, Avignon, September 2021)

A study of trees shading for sheep welfare by Chelton Desarmes and Marc Saudreau (AgroParisTech / Inrae Piaf Clermont Ferrand) using the Heterofor model by Mathieu Jonard and Frédéric André (UCL Louvain La Neuve, Belgium), relying on the SamsaraLight library used at fine scale (Benoit Courbaud, Inrae Lessem, Grenoble) (fc, July 2021)

The Poplar module (S. M. Heshmatol Vaezin) calculates and shows the product volumes in the stem. (F. de Coligny, July 2020)

Sydy (Ph. Dreyfus) is now compatible with the Carbon Accounting Tool (CAT) by Mathieu Fortin. (Ph. Dreyfus, September 2019)

CEP (formerly PlantaBSL): plots expansion to 1 hectare, skid trails, elite trees thinning. (Robert Schneider, June 2019)

The Ecoaf parcel layout scenario editor in action, F. de Coligny, F. Santi, April 2019

Simulations in Luberon2, F. de Coligny, January 2019

New features were added to tables popup menus: table header tuning and cell values plotting, F. de Coligny, July 2018

A simulation with the EcoAF model, a parcel with doubled tree plantation on east-west lines, before and after management: for each pair only the highest tree is kept, F. Santi, June 2018

Better management for large legends in graphs, now opened in a separate dialog, F. de Coligny, April 2018

Spatializing trees in PlantaBSL, E. Duchateau, March 2018

A way to open a particular Log in a table is now available (Tools > Log > Open in Table), F. de Coligny, Febrary 2018

Samsara: three plots with slopes, B. Courbaud, February 2018

Samsara2: weight thinner, B. Courbaud, January 2018

Heterofor: water balance visualisation at a daily time step, M. Jonard, March 2017

AlloStand3D, Philippe Verley (IRD AMAP), November 2016

New charts in Samsara2: cumulative histograms and cumulative areas, B. Courbaud, F. de Coligny, September 2016

The Fcba Picea abies model (Priscilla Cailly, Fcba Bordeaux), January 2016

Capsis 4.2.4 with new Graphs, October 2015

PlantaBSL by Robert Schneider (UQAR, Rimouski, Québec), June 2015 and October 2015

QuEST viewers for wood properties and knots by Alexis Achim and Emmanuel Duchateau, March 2015

Samsara2: the trees with dendro micro habitat and the recently dead trees are now visible on the stand maps. The 3D view has been adapted for a better result, October 2014

Woudyfor by Florian Delerue: a population of a woody understorey shrub species (common gorse) within a forest stand of maritime pine modelled by PP3 (C. Meredieu), April 2014

Heterofor (1) by M. Jonard and Quergus (2 & 3) by G. Ligot, both based on the SamsaraLight library by B. Courbaud, June 2013

3D views in Samsara by B. Courbaud, November 2012

Capsis 4.2.3 screenshot: better colors and new icons + more, F. de Coligny, October 2012

Heterofor, crowns are made of 8 ellipsoidal sub parts for radiative balance in SamsaraLight, M. Jonard, B. Courbaud, G. Ligot, F. de Coligny, June 2012 / May 2013

Stretch, Lidar like rendering, G. Vincent, F. de Coligny, January 2012

twoe, G. Vieilledent, January 2012

Gymnos (formerly Douglas), G. Ligot, J. Perin, A. de Pierpont, December 2011

Stretch, M. Laurans, G. Vincent, F. de Coligny, November 2010

Black pine branching, P. Dreyfus, October 2010

Capsis 4.2.0 under Linux, June 2010

Capsis 4.2.0 under Linux (java 1.6)

Capsis 4.1.5 under Linux (java 1.5) with the JackPine Model by Robert Schneider, May 2008

Capsis 4.1.5 under Mac OS X (Mac OS 10.4 with java 1.5)

Capsis can also run under Mac OS X with java 1.5 installed. Capsis Integration is however better at that time under Linux and Windows.

Capsis 4.1.2 is the first release under CVS

The graphical user interface was enhanced, it has a better online help and includes the new thinning diagram tool.

Capsis 4.1.1, first run under MacOSX by Daniel Mailly, 2003

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screenshot.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/04 08:25 by coligny