Capsis projects

This page contains the list of active projects in the Capsis platform. You can find here about 80 forest growth or dynamics models (i.e. Capsis modules) and several applicative libraries.

Some of these components are distributed with an open-source licence, they are packaged in an installer you can download from the Download page. To get more details regarding a given project, please mail to the contact person.

Search the list: the most recent projects are at the top of the list.

Project Description Contact, starting date
ForOp A model under development to describe and assess forest operations related to silvicultural schedules simulated by a growth model.
Keywords: forest operations, silviculture, wood production, wood supply, environmental assessment
(UMR SILVA, Nancy), Thomas Bronner,
July 2023
Walsi A forest dynamics model adapted to South Belgium (Wallonia).
Keywords: stand level, ecosystem services
, Gauthier Ligot (University of Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech)
January 2023
C-Stability A modeling framework to leverage the continuous representation of organic matter. This Carbon Substrate Targeted AccessiBILITY (C-STABILITY) model is driven by microbial activity and combines compartmental and continuous approaches. The substrate is split into biochemical classes, separating pools accessible to enzymes from inaccessible ones. Within each pool a continuous approach is implemented to describe the level of substrate polymerization. The model distinguishes between substrate accessibility to microbe uptake and substrate accessibility to enzymes. Over time the enzyme-accessible substrate is fragmented and depolymerized until it eventually becomes accessible to microbe uptake. Part of the taken up substrate is assimilated by decomposers and its biochemistry is modified by decomposer anabolism.
Keywords: Soil organic matter dynamics
(1, 2), Delphine Derrien (2), Laurent Saint-André (2), Matthieu Barrandon (3) (1. AgroParisTech Silva, Nancy, 2. INRAE BEF, Nancy, 3. Université de Lorraine IECL, Nancy)
February 2021
EsPaCe A growth model for young forests in Québec, connected to Artemis and Natura models.
Keywords: Growth and yield
, Isabelle Auger, Dany Camirand, Thierry Kubwimana (Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks of Québec, Canada)
September 2020
Simcop_Qual A branching and nodosity model linked to the Simcop model.
Keywords: Wood quality, Branching, Nodosity
, Guillaume Salzet, Thomas Aiguier (UMR Silva, Nancy)
August 2020
Poplar A generic bio-economic model for hybrid poplar plantations. The model was conceived to simulate the dynamics and to optimize the management of poplar plantations.
Keywords: GADA models, tree list, products yield
(University of Tehran, Iran)
July 2020
SurEau A plant hydraulic model that represents explicitly water flow between the soil, the plant and the atmosphere and the process of cavitation that leads to plant desiccation and mortality.
Keywords: Plant hydraulics, Drought, Cavitation
, Francois Pimont, Julien Ruffault (INRAE URFM, Avignon),
Hervé Cochard (INRAE Piaf, Clermont-Ferrand)
December 2019
Ibasam A metapopulation model to study salmon species population eco-evolutionary dynamics, accounting for river and marine ecosystems. This is the metapopulation version of the Ibasam software written by Cyril Piou and Etienne Prévost.
Keywords: fish, dynamics, genetics, climate
, Jacques Labonne (INRA Ecobiop)
June 2019
EcoAF An Agroforestry model.
Keywords: Agroforestry, Genetics
, Tina Meziani (INRA BioForA), Christophe Sotteau (AGRO-ECO Expert)
May 2018
SIMREG A non-deterministic tree-level distance independent forest model that can simulate forest growth, yield and management on a regional scale while representing the wide diversity of composition, structure and management found in forest stands. It is composed of several sub-models to represent the main forest dynamics (growth, recruitment, removal, clearcut and reforestation) and to account for species composition, stand density, tree size and social status, forest ownership type and some sites characteristics. (Perin et al. 2021)
Keywords: Large scale forest simulation,
, Mikhail Pitchugin, Gauthier Ligot, University of Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
March 2018
Luberon2 A demo-genetic model, i.e. distance-independent, spatialised, tree model with genetics and disturbance regimes. The model was first developed for Cedar or Douglas fir in the context of the RMT AFORCE project IGS, and the European project B4Est. Fir, Spruce and Larch are progressively added in the model, in the context of the EU project OptFORESTS and the ANR project FLORES.
Keywords: Genetics, Tree localisation model, Cedrus, Douglas-fir, Disturbance
Claire Godineau (1), Victor Fririon (1), Nicolas Beudez (2), François de Coligny (2), François Courbet (1), Gauthier Ligot (3), Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio (1,4), Leopoldo Sanchez (5), (1)
(1) INRAE, URFM, France ; (2) INRAE, AMAP, France ; (3) KU Leuven, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium ; (4) INRAE, ECOBIOP, France ; (5) INRAE, BioForA, France
July 2017
Salem Salem is a StAnd LEvel Model for various species in pure or mixed stands. Salem is a combination of models based on NFI data for a good robustness and models based on tree cores to include climate effect. It allows to simulate stand growth according to IPCC climate projection.
Keywords: Growth model, Climate effect
(IRSTEA Grenoble)
June 2017
LGPL license
AlloStand3D A tree localisation algorithm from dbh inventories and crown allometries based on 3D crown overlap constraints
Keywords: Allometry, Tree localisation model, Voxelized tree
, Nicolas Barbier, Pierre Ploton (IRD AMAP)
November 2016
WallTree A generic tree growth model to be used to simulate the evolution of the Walloon forest (Southern part of Belgium)
Keywords: Walloon Region, Belgium, Tree growth model
(ULg, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgique)
Août 2016
Economics2 A library to compute economic indicators
Keywords: internal rate of return, Net present value, annuity
(ULg, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgique)
Août 2016
FCBA Pseudotsuga menziesii A growth model for Douglas fir, based on the FCBA Oasis software.
Keywords: Growth model, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Volume
, Sébastien Cavaignac (FCBA BSA, Bordeaux)
November 2015
SilmarS A growth model for Maritime pine developed jointly by FCBA and INRA in the context of the “Groupe Pin Maritime du Futur” in the Aquitaine region.
Keywords: Maritime pine, Forestry growth model
, Thierry Labbé (INRA Biogeco, Bordeaux), (FCBA, Bordeaux)
October 2015
CEP An individual tree growth model for white spruce plantations in Eastern Quebec.
Keywords: individual tree, growth and yield simulator, white spruce, plantation
(UQAR, Québec)
June 2015
SamsaraLight Loader SamsaraLight Loader is a module relying on samsaraLight library. No growth model is implemented. It loads detailed inventory files, computes the light intercepted by trees and the light transmitted to ground cells or virtual sensors. This model is particularly usefull to perform sensitivity analysis of SamsaraLight model and to analyze the effect of partial harvests on the distribution of light among the trees and regeneration. Functions are also available to compare light prediction versus light measures.
Keywords: Forestry model, Radiative balance
(Université de Liège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium)
April 2015
LGPL license
Phenofit Phenofit (Chuine and Beaubien 2001) is a process-based model that predicts species distribution at the continental scale. Phenofit estimates the probability of presence of an adult tree over several years by its fitness on a given site. Fitness is defined as the product of the probability of survival and the probability of reproductive success at a yearly time step. Probabilities of presence predicted over several sites or over a grid produce the potential distribution of the tree species.
Keywords: Process-based model, Species distribution, Fitness
, Yassine Motie (CNRS CEFE, Montpellier)
January 2015
QuEST QuEST predicts internal stem properties for various species of the Canadian boreal forest. Prediction models were developed as part of Alexis Achim’s research program at Laval University. Work was conducted by graduate students (Luciane Paes Torquato, Emmanuel Duchateau) and a postdoctoral fellow (David Auty). The integration of QuEST in the CAPSIS platform allows a visualisation of the simulations run using predictions of a tree growth model and a stem taper equation as input. Funding was provided by ForValueNet, the NSERC strategic network on forest management for value-added products.
Keywords: Black spruce, Stem properties, MOE
, (Université Laval, Canada), David Auty (Northern Arizona University, USA)
December 2014
LGPL license
Organon Organon is an empirical, spatial implicit, individual tree growth, yield and wood quality model from the Pacific Northwest. The model will project forest development for several species mixtures, stand structures and silvicultural regimes. A simplified version of Organon can be accessed through Capsis. Organon is managed by the Center for Intensive Planted-forest Silviculture at Oregon State University.
Keywords: Douglas-fir, Forest growth, yield and wood quality, Pacific Northwest
, Doug Maguire, David Hann (Oregon State University, USA)
September 2014
Open Source
FCBA Picea abies A growth model for Picea abies, based on the FCBA Oasis software.
Keywords: Growth model, Picea abies, Volume
, Sébastien Cavaignac (FCBA BSA, Bordeaux)
May 2014
Economics The Economics Module reads a dendrometry files and a cost/income file and creates an economic balance.
Keywords: Economics, Picea abies, Pseudotsuga menziensii, Pinus pinaster, Volume, Crown volume
, (FCBA BSA, Bordeaux), Hanitra Rakotoarison (ONF R&D)
March 2014
Pinus pinaster A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Maritime Pine (Pinus Pinaster). An individual-based rewriting of PP3 (see below), a basis for integration of spatialized processes.
Keywords: Pinus pinaster, Growth, Temperate, Stand level, Tree level, Pure, Regular
, Thierry Labbé (INRA BIOGECO, Bordeaux)
December 2013
Mathilde A distance-independent model for European beech and sessile oak under even-aged management.
Keywords: Quercus petraea, Fagus sylvatica, Mixed stands, Stochastic model, Single tree-based model
Rubén Manso (INRA, Nancy), (AgroParisTech, Nancy)
October 2013
Deesses Deesses, which stands for “DEux ESSEnceS” is a module that groups several 2 species models, developed with National Forest Inventory data. These models allow evaluating the mixture effect on basal area growth according to environmental variables. Deesses includes a previous model, Melies, developed for mixed Norway spruce – silver fir mixtures. It also contains equations sets for mixed Norway spruce – common beech and for mixed common beech – silver fir stands. , Maud Toigo, Thomas Pérot (Irstea Nogent sur Vernisson)
October 2013
Runaway This module investigates the evolution of correlation between traits under sexual selection in a theoretical population of organisms with a special attention on genome dynamics (number of loci, allelic diversity, mutation, drift, selection and linkage). It models a simple tradeoff between survival and energy devoted to reproduction, and a secondary tradeoff between gametic investment, phenotypic investment, and preference investment. These four traits are under genetic control, and energy devoted to reproduction limits the three other traits. The purpose is to explore the conditions for traits evolution and correlations and the evolution of their genomic structure. (UMR Ecobiop, Saint-Pée sur Nivelle)
September 2013
ForestGales A Capsis ForestGales library in Java for connection with the Capsis growth models to estimate the chance (or probability) of windthrow or stem breakage for average trees or individual trees within a stand. , Kana Kamimura (INRA EPHYSE, Bordeaux)
August 2013
Croireplant Volume table for white spruce, jack pine and hybrid poplar plantations, and yield tables/stand growth models for white spruce plantations in province of Québec, Canada. Guy Prégent, Jean Ménétrier, Geneviève Picher et (MRNF Québec)
July 2013
ForCEEPS A forest community model for woody species (Angiosperms and Gymnosperms). Inspired by the gap model ForClim (Bugmann 2001, Didion et al. 2009). Deals with environmental and biotic filtering of forest communities and ecosystem processes such as biomass production. (CNRS-CEFE, Montpellier), Harald Bugmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Lorenz Fahse (University of Landau, Germany)
April 2013
Fompine FomPine simulates the infection, spread and protective treatment impacts of Heterobasidion spp. in stands of Pinus pinaster (L.). The model includes two submodels; one for stand dynamics with a distance independent tree growth model and one for disease dynamics: (i) level of air-borne spores and spore infection, (ii) stump and root colonization, (iii) vegetative transfer to tree roots, (iv) spread of disease in tree roots of healthy tree, and (vi) disease effect on tree growth and survival. Brigitte Lung-Escarmant, , Thierry Labbé (INRA BIOGECO, Cestas)
March 2013
CastaneaOnly An implementation of the Castanea model. , Katalin Csillery (INRA URFM, Avignon)
February 2013
ForEnerChips ForEnerChips means litteraly Forest Energy Chips. This library simulates harvesting and transformation processes from the plot to the plant. Its outputs permits (1) to assess energy consumption of the chain of production of forest wood chips as a form of fuelwood, and (2) to quantify the mineral extraction from the forest plot resulting from this fuelwood harvesting. It is firstly applied on the outputs of the FAGACEES growth and yield module, but it aims at being easily made compatible with any other Capsis G&Y module. Nicolas Bilot (AgroParisTech-INRA LERFoB / LERMAB-ENSTIB, Nancy), (AgroParisTech-INRA LERFoB)
February 2013
SamsaraLight A library implementing the radiative balance of the Samsara model, to make it possible to reuse it in other models (see Quergus, Heterofor, RReShar, Samsara and Samsara2, Mountain). (IRSTEA, Grenoble)
October 2008, June 2012
Mediterranea A fish model focused on the management of brown trout intraspecific biodiversity. The structure of this model is borrowed from the Bidasoa model, but it implements new relationships between genetic data and individuals traits or behaviour. Specifically, it aims at evaluating the role of difference in mating behaviour and juvenile survival difference between the Atlantic and Mediterranean lineages in brown trout in the dynamics of introgression. This module is destinated to fish population managers. (UMR Ecobiop, Saint-Pée sur Nivelle)
June 2012
FTChene This module simulates the growth of coppice-with-standards oak stands. The model is fitted using NFI data of the half north of France. The “standards” part of the stand is tree-centered, while the coppice part is only one basal area for the stand. (IRSTEA, Nogent sur Vernisson), Thomas Bronner
April 2012
Woudyfor Woudyfor (WOody Understorey DYnamic in FORestry) predicts the population dynamics of a woody understorey shrub species (common gorse) within a forest stand of maritime pine and given forestry practices. This individual-based and spatially explicit model relies upon the different steps of the life cycle of the shrub species (germination, recruitment, growth, seed production, ageing and death). These steps are impacted by forestry practices (cleaning, thining, ploughing) and by the decrease of available light with pine tree growth. (Bordeaux INP Georessources et Environnement / INRA ISPA)
March 2012
January 2020 (review)
OptimiSt OptimiSt is a software to optimize stand-level multi-objective forest management and to simulate forest stand dynamics. OptimiSt is under permanent development since it is a flexible tool that can be adapted to different target forest species and ecosystems by enabling the integration of different forest management oriented models. (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland)
February 2012
Quergus This project aims at analyzing the dynamic of uneven-aged acidophile medio-European beech forests. Such forest type represents a key habitat on an environmental aspect (Natura 2000 priority habitat), as well as on an economic and societal aspects. (Université de Liège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium)
February 2012
Heterofor Heterofor is a spatially-explicit and individual-based model under construction. The objective is to elaborate a model describing tree growth and resource use (solar radiation, water and nutrients) in heterogeneous forests (mixed and uneven-aged). , Frédéric André, Louis de Wergifosse (Université Catholique de Louvain, ELI-e, Louvain, Belgium)
January 2012
twoe twoe (2e) is a software that can be used for modelling and simulating multispecies tropical forest dynamics from permanent plot data. (Cirad-UMR AMAP)
December 2011
GPL license
SimCoP SimCoP is a french acronym for “Simulateur de Croissance et de Développement de Conifères en Peuplement”, wich translates to “Growth and developement simulator of conifers in stand”. It has been designed to enable evaluation of various silvicultural treatments on Douglas stands (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). This simulator uses detailed information on individual tree growth, established through analysis of stems and branches, from a sample of felled trees. Jean-Marc Ottorini (INRA Lerfob), Francois Ningre (INRAE Silva), (AgroParisTech Silva), Thomas Bronner, Laurent Saint-André (INRA BEF)
August 2011
Melies Melies is a stand basal area growth model for mixed Norway spruce - silver fir stands. It allows evaluating the mixture effect on basal area growth according to environmental variables. The first equations are described in the paper “Silver fir stand productivity is enhanced when mixed with Norway spruce: evidence based on large-scale inventory data and a generic modelling approach”, Vallet & Perot 2011, Journal of Vegetation Science (in press). , Thomas Perot (Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson)
June 2011
Natura Stand growth model for the province of Quebec, Canada. , Sadi Aid (MRNF, Québec)
May 2011
Abccedrus Develop a colonisation model for Cedrus on Mont-Ventoux in order to analyse demographic and genetic data through an ABC approach. , Francois Guiton, Malek Haddad (INRA-BioSP, Avignon)
March 2011
Gymnos A distance independant tree model concerning even-aged stands of different coniferous species (Pseudotsuga menziensii, Picea abies, Larix sp.). Model equations has been chosen and adjusted by Jerome Perin. Gymnos was previously named Douglas. , Jérome Perin, Astrid de Pierpont, Samuel Quevauvillers (Université de Liège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium)
January 2011
Simmem Simmem is a model that manages several forests (régions of Orléans and Vercors). Each stand grows with a specific Capsis model according to the species and forest structure it contains. Simmem is connected to Sylvestris and Fagacées. It is part of the Forgeco ANR project. , Véronique Cucchi (Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson)
January 2011
PhysioDemo Genetics PhysioDemoGenetics aims at studying the genetic adaptation through natural selection driven by climatic variables in a continuous tree population. It relies on (1) explicit modelling of the genetic determinism of ecophysiology-related traits and (2) the coupling of ecophysiological processes at tree level (implemented in the Castanea library in Capsis) with dynamical processes (dispersal, growth, mortality) and genetic processes (implemented in the Genetics library in Capsis). , Hendrik Davi (INRA URFM, Avignon)
July 2010
Succes A succession module for the prediction of recruitment after major disturbances such as clearcutting, fire, insect outbreaks in the province of Québec, Canada. Jean-Pierre Saucier, (MRNF, Québec)
January 2010
Matapédia The Matapedia module is a distance-independent individual-based model designed for pure balsam fir stands under even-aged management in Eastern Québec, Canada. (AgroParisTech, Nancy)
November 2013
Sydy Forest dynamics (Mediterranean mountains), silvicultural management of individual stands (with scripting language). (INRA URFM, ONF RDI, Avignon)
December 2009
MPB The MPB module aims at providing a better understanding of the interactions between landscape structure and the dynamics of mountain beetle populations. It combines forest (currently lodgepole pine stands and later jack pine) growth and dynamics with mountain pine beetle population and dispersal models. , Philippe Dreyfus (INRA URFM, Avignon)
December 2009
LSFMGM A Larch-Spruce-Fir Matrix Growth Model: LSFMGM is a multiple-species nonlinear matrix growth model for larch-spruce-fir forests which can be used to simulate the stand growth with different thinning methods. (Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing)
November 2009
AbiAl AbiAl is a distance-independent individual tree model for pure even aged stands of Abies alba Mill. in Vosges and Jura mountains (France). Jean-Daniel Bontemps (1), Fleur Longuetaud (1), (1), Vincent Perez (1), Daniel Rittié (1), Laurent Saint-André (2), Ingrid Seynave (1)
(1) INRA-AgroParisTech Lerfob, Nancy
(2) Cirad, Nancy
August 2009
LGPL license
Kerguelen The Kerguelen module is aimed at modelling the colonization of Kerguelen Islands by brown trout and other salmonid species. The basic idea is to compare hypothetical colonization scenarios and to fit the results to observed data. This module is directly derived from the Bidasoa module, except it will present a much more simpler life cycle, and will integrate a simple marine environment, allowing for colonization of new rivers. (INRA UMR ECOBIOP, Saint Pée sur Nivelle)
July 2009
ModisPinaster A diameter distribution model for Pinus pinaster stands. It applies to pure stands, thinned or unthinned. Stands might be homogeneous in horizontal distribution or having an irregularly shaped diameter distribution. , Carlos Pacheco Marques (UTAD CIFAP, Vila Real, Portugal), Bernard Parresol (USDA, Forest Services, Asheville, NC USA), François de Coligny (INRA UMR AMAP, Montpellier, France), Helder Viana (IPV, DEF, Viseu, Portugal)
June 2009
LGPL license
Artémis A distance-independent tree model for the main potential vegetations in the province of Québec, CANADA. (MRNF, Québec)
March 2009
RReShar Regeneration modelling under Capsis.
Regeneration - a library to integrate regeneration in Capsis models - October 2008
, Noémie Gaudio (Cemagref), Nicolas Donès (INRA PIAF Clermont-Ferrand)
October 2008
JackPine Growth of Jack pine, white and black spruce in Canada using the Crobas - PipeQual model by Annikki Makela (University of Helsinki, Finland).
Crobas - a library to implement the Crobas / PipeQual model by Anniki Makela
January 2011: Jackpine can now process multi species forests.
July 2012: Jackpine can now process spatialised forests.
, Venceslas Goudiaby (Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada)
May 2008
Migration Migration of fir at the level of a watershed over a century. Annabelle Amm, (INRA URFM, Avignon)
April 2008
Stretch A rewriting of the Sexi-FS model within Capsis with a connection to the AMAP light model by Jean Dauzat (Mir-Musc-Radbal) and other evolutions (see The Sexi-FS project upper). This projects also concerns Marilyn Laurans, Cécile Madelaine, Lucile Soler (AMAP) and Degi Harja Asmara (ICRAF Indonesia). Gregoire Vincent (IRD UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
April 2008
Regix Stand level model for short rotation coppice of poplar and eucalypt. (FCBA, Charrey s/ Saône)
September 2007
Prunus Genetic consequences of seed dispersal assisted by animals in heterogeneous landscapes. (Estacion Biologica de Donana, CSIC, Sevilla, Spain)
August 2007
Mustard Two stand level models integrated to simulate global change at forest scale (ANR Project Déduction). François Goreaud (Cemagref LISC, Clermont-Ferrand), , Thierry Labbé (INRA UMR BIOGECO, Bordeaux), François de Coligny (INRA UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
July 2007
Afocelpa A distance-independent tree growth model for Spruce. (FCBA, Charrey s/ Saône)
June 2007
Afocelpp A distance-independent tree growth model for Maritime Pine. (FCBA, Charrey s/ Saône)
June 2007
Sylvogène Module for the monitoring of the national forest resource: uses the NFI plots as input. Available for the Maritime Pine plots in Southwest of France. , Thierry Labbé (INRA UMR BIOGECO Bordeaux), Thierry Belouard (IFN Bordeaux), Antoine Colin (IFN Nogent sur Vernisson)
March 2007 - update December 2010
Oakpine Models for Oak-Scott pine mixed stands. See also the Fagacées / Sylvestris project.
- Oakpine1: A distance-dependent individual based model with strong links to the Spatial library - François Goreaud and Marie-Ange Ngo-Bieng (Cemagref LISC, Clermont-Ferrand) - February 2007
- Oakpine2: an individual based model but without spatialisation, managing distributions of neighbourhoods - Thomas Perot (Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson) - January 2008
(Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson)
February 2007
Rockfornet Rockfornet calculates the Probable Residual Rockfall Hazard (PRH) under a forested slope. , Eric Maldonado, Frederic Berger (Cemagref, Grenoble)
November 2006
Karite Evolution of the genetic structure and diversity of a population of Karite (Cirad, Montpellier)
November 2006
Lemoine A Stand Growth Model: a stand level model for Maritime pine in South-West France. Migrated from Capsis2. , Thierry Labbé (INRA UMR BIOGECO, Bordeaux)
October 2006
FuelManager FuelManager: user friendly software that generates vegetation scenes in 3D to be used as input data for fire behaviour models.
- Export to FIRETEC and WFDS thanks to the Fire library by Francois Pimont
- Publication of an article describing the software in Environmental Modelling and Software (March 2016).
The FuelManager was formerly developed in the frame of the FireParadox European project.
(INRA URFM, Avignon)
September 2006
(INRA URFM, Avignon)
(Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, USA)
StandFire StandFire: user friendly software that generates vegetation scenes in 3D to be used as input data for fire behaviour models from FVS-FFE.
- Export to WFDS (USFS, USA) by Francois Pimont and Russell Parsons (2014)
(INRA URFM, Avignon)
(Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, USA)
ISGM Integrated Stand Growth Model: ISGM is a stand model for Pinus massoniana forests which includes several nonlinear simultaneous equations. It can be used to simulate the stand growth with different values of site index, stand density, different thinning methods, and to draw a stand density control chart. Tang Shouzheng, (Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China)
June 2006
Samare A distance independent tree model for sugar maple dominated stands (sugar maple, yellow birch, American beech and other broadleaves species). , Sylvain Turbis (MRNF Québec)
April 2006
IFNCA A diameter classes growth model from the Inventaire Forestier National , Jean-Luc Cousin (IFN, Nogent sur Vernisson)
March 2006
DynaClim An hybrid dynamics model mixing ecophysiology and dendrometry. (INRA URFM, Avignon)
March 2006
Fagacees-Sylvestris A module for coupling Fagacees and Sylvestris mono-specific models in order to model Oak-Scott pine mixed stands. , Gregory Deceliere (Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson)
February 2006
Wood Quality Workshop A workshop for Wood quality studying. Connectable with several Capsis modules, proposes a framework for logging algorithms (sawing to come…). Compatible with NZ1, Fagacees, PP3 (…) (SCION, Rotorua, New-Zealand)
November 2005
NZ1 Radiata Pine growth module, with a monthly time step and a branch model. , Andrew Gordon (SCION, Rotorua, New-Zealand)
November 2005
Guppy Another module for studies about Guppies (Poecilia reticulata). A realistic approach for evolutionary problems, accounting for individual variation, behaviour and phenotype, genetics, demography, environmental contrasts. (INRA UMR ECOBIOP, Saint Pée sur Nivelle)
0ctober 2005
Dynet Impact of the arborescent structure of the hydrographical networks on the functioning of the populations. (INRA UMR ECOBIOP, Saint Pée sur Nivelle)
October 2005
Eucalypt GIS connection From a Geographical Information System (ArcGis), select land cells and run a Capsis-eucalypt simulation, get the results inside the GIS. (Cirad UPR ETP, Montpellier)
June 2005
Simsys Tropical agro-forestry. (Cirad UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
April 2005
Paletuviers Mangrove system (Avicennia, Rhizophora), based on the Kiwi model by Uta Berger and Hanno Hildenbrandt / Marilyne Laurans (INRA AMAP / Cirad AMAP, Montpellier)
March 2005
Cytisus Ecosystem with scotch broom, grass and sheep. (INRA UMR ARCHE, Toulouse)
March 2005
Transpop Transitionnal populations study. Two modules : Transpop and Transpoprege.
Transpoprege - Ecological factors shaping the genetic quality of seeds and seedlings in forest trees: a simulation study coupled with sensitivity analyses - October 2005
(INRA URFM, Avignon)
December 2004
Sylvestris Scots Pine growth in pure and even-aged stands. , Thomas Perot (Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson)
November 2004
Bidasoa Fish (Salmo trutta) dynamics and genetics in the Bidasoa river watershed. (INRA UMR ECOBIOP, Saint Pée sur Nivelle)
May 2004
Delaunay Incremental Delaunay triangulation for a given set of points. Calculates associated Voronoi diagram. Can be used for neighbours research. (ONF DT Lorraine)
February 2004
Mangrove A dynamic model for tropical littoral driven by teledetection. (IRD UMR AMAP, Guyane)
June 2003
Samsara A Distance-Dependent Tree Model for several mountain species (Spruce, fir, broadleaved…)
Samsara2: a new version with full calibration and individual effects (G. Vieilledent) - September 2008
Samsaralight: a library implementing the radiative balance of the Samsara model, to make it possible to reuse it in other models (see RReShar) - October 2008
UnevenAgedManager: A thinner for uneven-aged stands (V. Lafond, G. Lagarrigues, T. Sardin) - June 2012
VegetationDiversity: predict the probability distribution function of vegetation diversity under forest cover in Samsara2 (F. Gosselin) - March 2013
(Cemagref, Grenoble)
April 2003
Luberon A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Cedrus atlantica with genetics. , Francois Lefèvre, Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio (INRA URFM, Avignon)
April 2003
Alisier A module for Sorbus Torminalis growing in oak / beech forests (INRA URFM, Avignon)
April 2003
Quercus A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Oak (Quercus Petraea) with genetics. (INRA UMR BIOGECO, Bordeaux)
March 2003
Economic Balance An extension to evaluate the economic balance (incomes / expenses) for a given scenario. Relies on an economic intervener, an library economics and a set of extensions : the economic functions. (IEFC, Bordeaux)
January 2003
Economics library A library related to Economic Balance for economic functions (IEFC, Bordeaux)
January 2003
Fagacees Fagacées is a distance-independent individual tree model for pure even aged stands of sessile oak and beech in France. Jean-François Dhôte, , Gilles Le Moguédec, Frédéric Mothe (INRA LERFoB, Nancy)
December 2002
LGPL license
Presage A model of production and evaluation of scenarios to help management of forests in Québec. (MRNF Québec)
October 2002
Regelight A work module to study regeneration hypotheses in east-France forests. (ONF DT Lorraine)
October 2002
Bimodal A test module for the Scilab connection by A. Franc and F. de Coligny (INRA EFPA, Bordeaux)
August 2002
QS1 A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Oak (Quercus Petraea) by J.-F. Dhôte, integrated in Capsis4 by Ph. Dreyfus. (INRA LERFoB, Nancy)
August 2002
CA1 A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Cedrus atlantica. (INRA URFM, Avignon)
August 2002
Hi-sAFe A module for agroforestry, designed to model tree-tree and tree-crop competition in 3D. Includes competition for light, water and nitrogen at the day time-step, and some plasticity mechanisms including root plasticity in 3D (cellular automata). The crop is modeled with the STICS crop model (INRA CSE, Avignon) that is dynamically run from Hi-sAFe in java: connexion with a C version of STICS (Java Native Interface technology). Poster. , , Grégoire Talbot (INRA UMR SYSTEM, Montpellier)
July 2002
Genetics A library with Genetics tools for every modules. It contains descriptions for genotypes and implementations for common genetics processes. (INRA URFM, Avignon)
July 2002
Fiesta / NRG A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Pinus halepensis, with branches. (INRA URFM, Avignon)
April 2002
Sexi-FS A bridge module to the Sexi-FS simulator. Sexi-FS is a generic simulator for tropical forests dynamics studying. It was built in Bogor (Indonesia) by Grégoire Vincent (IRD) and Degi Harja Asmara (ICRAF). (IRD UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
March 2002
Laricio A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Corsican Pine. (Cemagref, Nogent sur Vernisson), Céline Meredieu (INRA UMR BIOGECO, Bordeaux)
March 2002
Genloader A technical module to load spatialized inventories to watch them in 2D and 3D with the tools in Capsis. (INRA UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
January 2002
Biomechanics A library to create biomechanic structure for trees then compute and study wind impact on stands (Foreole extension). Philippe Ancelin / (LRBB, Bordeaux / Cemagref, Grenoble)
October 2001
Spatial A library for virtual stand creation. These tools can be used in modules to create initial stands (see Mountain module). (Cemagref LISC, Clermont-Ferrand)
June 2001
PP3 A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Maritime Pine (Pinus Pinaster). Migrated from Capsis2.
AMAPsim connection: AMAPsim is a stochastic plant growth model (Cirad UMR AMAP, Montpellier). It can been asked from Capsis to calculate PP3 scenes by a network connection - November 2002
ForestGales connection: ForestGales (Forestry Commision, UK) estimates the chance (or probability) of windthrow or stem breakage for average trees within a stand - March 2006
, Thierry Labbé (INRA UMR BIOGECO, Bordeaux), Philippe Dreyfus (INRA URFM Avignon)
May 2001
Sapin A technical module for Capsis training sessions. François de Coligny (INRA UMR AMAP, Montpellier)
April 2001
Eucalypt A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Eucalyptus in Congo.
AMAPsim connection - November 2002
(Cirad UPR ETP, Montpellier)
March 2001
PNN A Distance-Independent Tree Model for Pinus Nigra Nigricans. Migrated from Capsis2. (INRA URFM, Avignon)
February 2001
Ventoux A semi-spatialized model (nearly a gap model) dealing with the evolution of artificial pine stands towards mixed stands (pines, beech, silver fir) on the Mont-Ventoux (mediterranean mountain).
VentouG - An evolution of the Ventoux module, using the capabilities in the Genetics library to study issues related to pollen and seeds dispersion - October 2002
(INRA URFM, Avignon)
June 2000
Selva A Distance-Dependent Tree Model for tropical forests (Guiana). Migrated from Selva simulator (Smalltalk). , Guillaume Cornu (Cirad UPR DFN, Montpellier)
Mountain A Distance-Dependent Tree Model concerning mountain species (Spruce). One of the pilot modules in Capsis4.
SVS connection : It is possible to create scene files to watch the mountain scenes under the Stand Visualization System (USDA Forest Service) - November 2001
(Cemagref, Grenoble)
January 2000
LGPL license