Table of Contents
Project goals and description
This module is built in the framework of the ICIF/Futurol project (part 3). It is the result of a collaboration between ONF R&D and FCBA BSA. Hanitra RAKOTOARISON (Economy applied to wood and forest) provided all that is related to economy (pricing functions, economical criteria…). Priscilla Cailly dealt with the conception and the development of the module in Capsis.
We had several goals:
- Compare the economic return of technical itineraries between different scenarios and between species (hardwood / softwood)
- Carry out sensitivity analysis
- Consider as inputs different results from different growth and / or wood quality models
In summary, the objective was to have a generic and flexible economical model (fig.1), i.e. allowing users to have inputs from different origins (Capsis model, other models, data, …) and for different species and silvicultural treatments.
Figure 1 : Presentation of the goal of the ECONOMICS module. Model inputs are written in blue. Possible origins for dendrometric information are written in black. In brown what is foreseen in Capsis (the file preparation module is currently unavailable in Capsis). Model outputs are in green.
For the use of this module, please contact Priscilla Cailly (FCBA). A tutorial and some explanations are also available in French language.
Priscilla Cailly: (