Easy statistics on a list of values
To do statistics on a list of values, you can use the ListOfValue class in capsis.lib.math.
Collection cells = ((Samsa2Plot) stand.getPlot ()).getCells (cellIds); ListOfValues lov = new ListOfValues (cells) { @Override public double getValue (Object o) { Samsa2Cell cell = (Samsa2Cell) o; return mp.getCellRelativeHorizontalEnergy(cell); } }; double mean = lov.getArithmeticMean()); double geometricMean = lov.getGeometricMean (); double variance = lov.getPopulationVariance (); double sd = lov.getStandardDeviation (); double skewness = lov.getSkewness (); double sum = lov.getSum (); double min = lov.getMin (); double max = lov.getMax (); (...)
documentation/easy_statistics_on_a_list_of_values.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/13 09:28 by