Luberon2 is a forest dynamics model with heritable trait variation to simulate eco- evolutionary processes in monospecific stands with stochastic disturbances, thinning and cutting, and genetic diversity: it is a demo-genetic agent-based model. The current version runs for Atlas cedar, Douglas fir, Larch, Norway spruce, or Silver fir. For this project, we received support from the RMT AFORCE project IGS and the European research programs, projects B4Est and OptFORESTS.
Authors: Claire Godineau, Victor Fririon, Nicolas Beudez, François de Coligny, François Courbet, Gauthier Ligot, Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, Leopoldo Sanchez, François Lefèvre.
Godineau C., Fririon V., Beudez N., de Coligny F., Courbet F., Ligot G., Oddou-Muratorio S., Sanchez L., Lefèvre F. (2023). A demo-genetic model shows how silviculture reduces natural density-dependent selection in tree populations. Evolutionary Applications,
Fririon V., Davi H., Oddou-Muratorio S., Ligot G., Lefèvre F. (2024) Can thinning foster forest genetic adaptation to drought? A demo-genetic modelling approach with disturbance regimes. Evolutionary Applications, 17:e70051.
Contact: (INRAE URFM, Avignon)
Main documentation:
Luberon2 flyer (December 2024)
Luberon2 user manual (December2024)
eva13606_appendix S1: Spatial and temporal scales in Luberon2
eva13606_appendix S2: Consequences of the choice of pixel size in Luberon2 on stand growth and demography
eva13606_appendix S3: Growth and fecundity functions in Luberon2
eva13606_appendix S4: Impacts of phenotypic variation in vigor on predicted tree growth in Luberon2
eva70051_appendix S2: Calibration of three drought stress regime generators
Luberon2 installation tutorial (June 2022)
The manual provides a list of key references, from this list one unpublished report is available here:
Bertrand (2004)