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Packaging a release of Capsis to be distributed outside the Capsis community

This document explains how to package a release of Capsis that can be distributed to users NOT members of the Capsis community (Developers + Modelers). It was written to help the Capsis modelers distribute their models.

Important note

According to the Capsis charter, the whole platform is distributable to anybody thanks to the LGPL free licence, EXCEPTED the modules which are NOT YOURS (growth / dynamics modules in the capsis4/src/ directory). Those with a free licence can be distributed without asking the author, in any other case, you must ask the permission to the author.

If you want to distribute your models outside the Capsis community, you should choose a distribution licence by copying two files in french and english, named respectively licence_fr.html and licence_en.html, in the main directory of your module (ex: in capsis4/src/isgm/). We suggest the Lesser General Public Licence (free licence) if you agree with its terms. In this case, you must create a header in every class of your module, you can find details here. You are free to choose another licence.

Create a standalone installer

Capsis includes IzPack tool to generate a standalone installer.


1. To create an installer containing the modules mountain and fagacees (located in the directory lerfob/fagacees and requiring source files in lerfob/commons) with the sources:

On Linux/MacOS:

sh ant installer -Dmodules="mountain/**,lerfob/fagacees/**,lerfob/commons/**"

On Windows:

ant installer -Dmodules="mountain/**,lerfob/fagacees/**,lerfob/commons/**"

2. To create an installer containing the module pp3 without the sources:

On Linux/MacOS:

sh ant installer -Dincludesrc=false -Dmodules="pp3/**"

On Windows:

ant installer -Dincludesrc=false -Dmodules="pp3/**"

It will generate a file named capsis-setup.jar.

⇒ Rename the file as you want, e.g.: capsis-pp3-setup.jar

You can then distribute this jar file. To use it, please follow the installation instructions.

How to create the downloadable installer on the Capsis web site

This installer embeds only the free modules in Capsis. Their authors decided to distribute them with a free license, e.g. LGPL like Capsis or equivalent, they can be downloaded by anybody from the Capsis web site / Download page.

On Linux/MacOS:

sh ant installer -Dincludesrc=false -Dmodules="lerfob/commons/**, lerfob/abial/**, lerfob/fagacees/**, modispinaster/**, mountain/**, twoe/**, genloader/**, organon/**, salem/**"

On Windows:

ant installer -Dincludesrc=false -Dmodules="lerfob/commons/**, lerfob/abial/**, lerfob/fagacees/**, modispinaster/**, mountain/**, twoe/**, genloader/**, organon/**, salem/**"
documentation/packaging.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/14 15:54 by coligny