fc-13.5.2024 - under progress
This object is the species for trees, cohorts and saplings (the two latter may recruit into trees). E.g. RRSSpecies implements RGSpecies. It contains all the possible species for RReShar, they are names, i.e. Strings, e.g.
public final static String QUERCUS_PETRAEA = "QUERCUS_PETRAEA";
Other modules: QGSpecies, HetSpecies, Samsa2Species
Each model may handle the known species in a different manner. E.g. Heterofor ans Samsara2 load a set of species from lines in a file, with species dependent varibales in columns. QGSpecies handles 6 possible species, with hardcoded species ids and names.
The tree class is mainly handled in the growth model. It must only provide some information based on the RGTree interface.
E.g. RRSTree, QGTree, HetTree, Samsa2Tree
Some understorey objects may be turned to adult trees, see recruitment.
Used in RReShar and Samsara2
The height and diameter growth may be handled with functions. This is optional in Regeneration. This is the case in RReShar and Samsara2. In this case, the species class of the model must provide function for growth and survival.
In particular, if the model relies on RGProcess.sapingSurvival (), the species class must implement RGWithSaplingSurvivalFunction (else an exception will be raised).
Used in RReShar and Heterofor
A set of proposed classes in capsis.lib.regeneration, with the growth equations inside, e.g.
public class RGCallunaVulgaris extends RGVegetationLayer
Note: the vegetation layers species are not the same than the tree / sapling / cohorts species (they do not recruit into trees).