Table of Contents



“ForEnerChips” stands for “Forest Energy Chips”. It can be called FEC further in the article.

ForEnerChips is not a growth model. It’s a tool that aims to simulate the production chain of forest wood chips for energy. It processes resources produced by sylvicultural interventions of forest growth simulations. It simulates all steps to produce wood chips from standing trees, and to deliver these to the heating plant.

It is at first compatible to the FAGACEES simulator, but it is built to be easily made compatible with other simulators.

It doesn't work in the interface mode, but only from scripts.


The simulator extract information on trees cutted in the forest rotation simulation saved as a CAPSIS project from a FEC settling class in the growth and yield simulator (for example “ for FAGACEES was implemented in the lerfob/fagacees directory)


The resource is defined with :

General information
Chain information
Biomass information (Calculated from extractors generally existing on the platform)
Energetic information (Calculated by ForEnerChips)


10 processes are considered at the moment :


At the moment, FEC is not used with the GUI of CAPSIS and no graphical output is available on the platform.

The output is a table containing the resource information (columns) for each step of the simulation (Initial resource as a standing tree on the stand to chips at the heating plant), and for each intervention in the forest rotation simulation fed in ForEnerChips.

This table is processed in any software (Excel, R …) for further observation.


Nicolas Bilot(1,2), Holger Wernsdorfer(1), Meriem Fournier(1), Yann Rogaume(2)
(1) LERFoB, UMR 1092 AgroParisTech INRA, Centre INRA Nancy-Lorraine, 54280 Champenoux
(2) LERMAB ; ENSTIB, 27 rue Philippe Séguin, 88000 EPINAL


The project is developped for the PhD work of Nicolas Bilot (2012-2014). The PhD is funded by the French forest national office (ONF), partner of the project.