Change to the capsis_install_directory/capsis4/bin/ directory and run the capsis launcher script (launch in english with the -len option).
cd capsis_install_directory\capsis4 capsis # Optional: start Capsis in english capsis -l en
cd capsis_install_directory/capsis4 sh # Optional: start Capsis in english sh -l en
You can check capsis option with the -h option
Capsis hosts models for forests / plantations growth and dynamics modeling.
To get the list of the installed models, use Help > About Capsis
. The dialog shows the list of available models.
All simulations are ran inside projects. Each project is linked to a specific capsis model, chosen at init time. Projects memorize the different steps of the simulation history. Each step has a date and holds a snapshot of the stand at this date, calculated by the linked model.
A project always contain a root step, supporting the initial stand of the simulation, either loaded from file or virtually generated.
When the project is initialized (i.e. model parameters are set and initial stand is loaded), it appears in the Project Manager. A header shows its main properties (name, model name, surface…) and the initial stand is linked to the root Step with a date.
The Project Manager provides a Step contextual menu (the Step Menu) which contains Step management options.
When you click on a step (left button), it becomes the Current Step (with a pressed look) and the project becomes the Current Project (with a projet selection color). Actions in the Project menu occur on the current project.
Trigger an evolution phase from a given step
To trigger an intervention on a given step
Viewers can give a representation of the stand under a given project step. This representation can be graphical (maps, distribution) or not (text).
Graphical outputs can mix data extracted from several steps of one or several projects. These representations can be graphical (curves, histograms, scatterplots…) or not (tables, text…).
Projects can be saved on disk and reloaded later in the same exact state. The linked model is also saved with its current settings in order to be reusable after re-opening.
A Session is a collection of Projects. You can freely open several projects to work on, then save them individually or in a whole session. In this case, projects are still saved individually but a session file is also saved. Opening the session file will later re-open all the projects.
Some models manage individual trees or plot cells in their data structure. For these models, it is possible to create groups of such trees or plot cells. These groups can then be used in the Viewers (ex: restrict to trees higher than 10m) or graphical outputs.
Preview the print result
Print the currently opened Viewers and Graphical outputs