Table of Contents

Developing models in Capsis with JDK 1.8 and Subversion (SVN)

Un résumé de la procédure en français est disponible.

This documentation is for Capsis modellers (according to the Capsis charter), it explains how to get a full local copy of Capsis on their computer to be able to add their own work in the platform.

The Capsis software sources are hosted on a Subversion (SVN) repository.

A Login is required (see section 2. below).

Important note

If you are not already a Capsis modeller and if you would like to integrate a model in Capsis, please see How to join Capsis and contact the development team (see contact) in order your registration to be validated.

1. Install Java SE 8 (JDK)

See the Java 8 installation page

2. Create an amap-dev account

Capsis files are hosted on the amap-dev development server. To access to Capsis files, you need to create an account on the server.

Your login/password will be used to access to SVN files, but also to modify the Capsis Wiki web site and to manage Capsis on the amap-dev development server (e.g. ask for a bug correction / a new feature).

3. Get a local copy of the project (checkout)

SmartSVN makes it possible to access to the SVN repository.

Note: This is your new login password you entered when you registered on amap-dev at section 2

Possible trouble

The checkout operation may fail after a while with an error message, e.g.

APR does not understand this error code ra_serf: The server sent a truncated HTTP response body

In this case, try to continue the operation this way in SmartSVN:

  • select the capsis4 (top level) directory in the 'Directories' panel,
  • Modify > Cleanup
  • Update

This should continue the process. This operation might be done several times in case your internet connection is not optimal.

4. SVN usual operations

Later when you will need to get the last changes of the server downloaded to your local copy, you will use SmartSVN and the Update command.

When you will have to upload your own changes onto the server, you will use the SVN Commit command.

You may ask for support to well understand the process when updating your local copy or commiting your changes the first time.

For more information on the SVN commands, see this doc: SVN update and commit.

5. Recompile and start Capsis

ant compile
ant clean compile

Note : If there are errors, please contact the capsis team.

The capsis.bat or scripts are used to start capsis :

Under Windows:


Under Linux:


Note : you can also use

ant run

6. Configure your editor

See code editor.

7. Other useful command

See ant.