Heterofor project (Mathieu Jonard). Mathieu would like to link to the Phreeqc dll to add soil features in Heterofor. Colleagues (José Genon) from UCL (University of Louvain la Neuve) did something close in 2014 : they connected the ANAFORE Fortran simulator (University of Anvers) to the Phreeqc dll.
Tried to download material from the Phreeqc web site: we are interested in the iphreeqc dll distribution.
Problems : several errors reported in the dll (in red), and a mix of 32/64 its components is reported. Positive : the expected function names seem to be all there.
Wrote a test library in Capsis : capsis.lib.phreeqc
Command to launch the test:
D:\coligny\workspace\capsis4>java -cp class;ext\*;ext\windows64 -Djna.library.pa xt\windows64 -Djna.library.path="ext\windows64" capsis.lib.phreeqc.IPhreeqc
→ Repeated problems at launch time, UnsatisfiedLinkError
Under a JDK 1.7 64 bits:
→ “%1 n'est pas une application Win32 valide”
(And for information, under a JDK 1.7 32 bits:
→ “L'application n'a pas pu démarrer car sa configuration côte à côte est incorrecte…”)
To load the iphreeqc.dll with Java 64 bits, the key points seem to be: