Table of Contents


Capsis development site is available :


Amap-dev is a software development web application based on redmine. It allows to :

Repository viewer

Amap-dev allows to browse the SVN repository. All the change sets are visible with their corresponding log.

<note> It is possible to browse the repository at a particular revision. The revision number should be specify in the small box in the upper right corner. When hitting enter, the browser shows the repository at the specified revision. </note>

View and create tickets

All the community can view, open new tickets, comment existing tickets or close tickets

View all the tickets

All the tickets (opened and closed) are displayed in a list.

<note> When a developer or a modeler find a problem, he can read the existing tickets and check if the problem has not been posted already. If it is the case, he can add a comment to the existing ticket. </note>

Create and update a ticket

A ticket can be :

<note> When creating a new ticket, it is IMPORTANT to specify the maximum of details. For instance, when posting a bug, it is better to provide the full procedure to REPRODUCE the bug. You can add images or Log files. </note>

When a feature have been implemented or a bug has been corrected, the tickets can be closed.

The person who fixes the bug or the feature, can close the ticket. For that, click on update and change the status to close.

If you want to track the time you spent on a task, you can add the number of hours needed to complete this task or if the task is not fully completed, just select the percentage you did.

You can also add a comment.

Each time a ticket is modified, a new entry appears below the task description. Thus it is possible to track the changes.