Table of Contents


You will find here shortcuts to web resources and related projects pages. Some of them are restricted to the developers and modellers of the Capsis community and will require a login.

Development Memo

The development blog.

The capsis project management website (Redmine)

Restricted access is granted without a login for end-users.

If you want to participate in the capsis development, please contact directly the capsis development team (see contact). After accepting the capsis charter, we will organize a starting session in order to integrate your module and you will then have access to the source server.

Access to the javadoc

Modellers may build the complete javadoc of Capsis including all models, libraries and extensions in their local copy with an ant command.

// In a terminal, from the capsis4/ directory

// Windows
ant javadoc

// Linux / Mac
sh ant javadoc

The html documentation is built from the source codes in src/ and stored in the capsis4/doc/ directory. This documentation must not be added to SVN.

To rebuild the doc, just rerun the command.

To see the javadoc, use your file manager to find capsis4/doc/javadoc/index.html and open it in your web browser (html files), then click on the links to explore the doc.

The Capsis javadoc for all source codes