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[TODO: this doc must be rewriten: matchWith () is missing, the other types of extension should be explained]

See also the Graphical extension manager and compatibility tuning with vetoes documentation.

Note for the developpers: the Extension framework has been refactored and an updated documentation is under progress.

What is an extension

An extension is a kind of plugin. It can be dynamically found, loaded and initialized.

An extension has a set of meta-information (author, version, description…)

An extension is compatible with a model or not.

Different type of extensions

Capsis supports the following extension

  • Data Extractor
  • Export
  • Intervener
  • Stand Viewer
  • Model Tool
  • Object Viewer
  • Filter

How to use an extension

Capsis search and propose automatically the available extension. To see the installed Extension, use the Graphical Extension Manager :

Tools → Extension Manager

For more information, see Graphical extension Manager

Interactive Mode

The available extensions will be automatically proposed in the dialog box, for instance in the intervention or in the export dialog.

Script Mode

In a script, an extension can be directly used, like other classes. However, to ensure a correct initialization, you should use specific methods.

Intervener thinner = new DHAThinner(DHAThinner.AGE, 50, 500);
step = sc.runIntervener(thinner, step, step.getScene ().getInterventionBase ());

For more information, see the script mode

How to implement an extension

Create a class

An extension is a class which implements Extension

public class MyExtension implements Extension {
   // Meta Infos
   public static final String NAME = "MyExtension";
   public static final String VERSION = "1.2";
   public static final String AUTHOR =  "F. de Coligny";
   public static final String DESCRIPTION = "MyExtension.description";
   public static final String SUBTYPE = "SpecificExtension";
   // ....

Before being able to use a new extension, the extension list cache must be updated. This can be done with the following command (in a terminal) :

Under Linux

sh -se

Under Windows

capsis -se


public class TplIOFormat implements IFormat, OFormat {
	static public String NAME = "TplIOFormat";
	static public String AUTHOR = "SDK";
	static public String DESCRIPTION = "IOFormat test";
	static public String VERSION = "1.0";
        /** Initialize Export with a model and a step */
	public void initExport(GModel m, Step s) throws Exception {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	public GScene load(GModel model) throws Exception {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;
	public void save(String fileName) throws Exception {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	public void activate() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public class TplInterverner implements Intervener {
	static public String name = "TplIntevener";
	static public String author = "SDK";
	static public String description = "Intervener test";
	static public String version = "1.0";
        int param;
        /** Default constructor */
        public TplInterverner() {};
        /** Specific constructor */
        public TplInterverner(int p) {
           param = p;
        /** Initialize the extension
         * @Param m
         * @Param s
         * @Param scene
         * @Param c
	public void init(GModel m, Step s, GScene scene, Collection c) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
        /** Open the dialog box in interactive mode */
	public void initGUI() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	public Object apply() throws Exception {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;
	public boolean isReadyToApply() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return false;
	public void activate() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
documentation/extensions.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/13 09:28 by