Table of Contents


Organon is an empirical, spatial implicit, individual tree growth, yield and wood quality model from the Pacific Northwest. The model will project forest development for several species mixtures, stand structures and silvicultural regimes. Organon is managed by the Center for Intensive Planted-forest Silviculture at Oregon State University.

In September 2014, a simplified version of Organon was integrated into Capsis. The simplified version of Organon does not allow estimation of wood quality for individual trees or the application of thinning, pruning or fertilization. In addition, the simplified version of Organon operates in the metric system. Users should note the native unit system of Organon is imperial (i.e. acres, feet, inches).


General documentation:

Technical documentation:

The Organon version in Capsis relies on Windows dynamic linked libraries (dlls). Capsis can only run Organon under Windows (32 or 64 bits), with a 32 bits version of Java. It was tested successfully under Windows 7 Professional 32 bits and Windows 7 Professional 64 bits with Java 1.7.0_67 (this is a 32 bits JDK).


A sample file example:

sample tree expan species dbh tht cr radgro
1 1 49.4 202 31 28.3 0.0 0
1 2 49.4 202 25.4 0 0.379 0
1 3 49.4 202 26.2 26.5 0.381 0
1 4 49.4 202 34.5 29.6 0.333 0
1 5 49.4 202 22.9 24.7 0.387 0
1 6 49.4 202 40.6 29.9 0.395 0
1 7 49.4 202 30.7 28.3 0.550 0
1 8 49.4 202 21.6 23.8 0.394 0
1 9 49.4 202 32.3 28 0.415 0
1 10 49.4 202 33.8 29 0.486 0
1 11 49.4 202 20.3 24.7 0.396 0

Development of Organon credits

The southwest Oregon version of ORGANON projects even-aged or uneven-aged stands of Douglas-fir, white fir, grand fir, ponderosa pine, sugar pine, incense-cedar, and associated minor species of either pure or mixed species composition. The equations were developed by David Hann, Mark Hanus, David Marshall, David Larsen, Chao-Huan Wang, David Walters, John Scrivani, Doug Maguire, Merlise Clyde, Peter Gould, and Connie Harrington. The original software was developed by David Hann, Arlene Hester, and David Larsen. It was funded by the Forestry Intensified Research Cooperative and the College of Forestry at Oregon State University.

The northwest Oregon version of ORGANON projects even-aged or uneven-aged stands of Douglas-fir, grand fir, and associated minor species of either pure or mixed species composition. The equations were developed by David Hann, Greg Johnson, Martin Ritchie, Abdel Azim Zumrawi, Chao-Huan Wang, David Marshall, Peter Gould, and Connie Harrington. The software was modified by David Hann. It was funded by the College of Forestry Research Properties at Oregon State University.

The Stand Management Cooperative version of ORGANON projects even-aged stands of Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and associated minor species of either pure or mixed species composition. The equations were developed by David Hann, David Marshall, and Mark Hanus. The software was modified by David Hann, Christina Olsen, and Charles Aylworth. It was funded by the Stand Management Cooperative and the College of Forestry at Oregon State University

The red alder plantation version of ORGANON projects even-aged stands of red alder and associated minor species. The equations were developed by David Hann, Andrew Bluhm, and Aaron Weiskittel. The software was modified by David Hann. It was funded by the Hardwood Silviculture Cooperative at Oregon State University and the Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management at Oregon State University.

Nate Osborne and Francois de Coligny developed the Organon interface to Capsis.

Three weeks in France: What we did, and where to go from here. Nathaniel Osborne, 19.9.2014, Nancy, France Nathaniel Osborne at the Oregon State University

This document and associated software were prepared as part of a project under the auspices of Oregon State University. Neither Oregon State University nor any person acting on behalf of such: a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed; b) claims that the use of any information or method disclosed in this report does not infringe privately owned rights; or c) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, or method disclosed in this report.

More information can be found at: