The Mediterranea module aims at simulating the dynamics of intraspecific biodiversity in brown trout population, focusing on the interactions between two lineages of interest for population managers: Mediterranean and Atlantic lineages. To do so, this module provides a framework linking genes to behaviour and survival.

The module is based on the previous Bidasoa module, and therefore offers the same potential: dendritic and heterogeneous landscape, fragmentation, migration, complex life cycle, genetics and demography.

However, while genes are considered as neutral in the Bidasoa module, here they code for the MED or ATL character. Fish can thus be pure breed (MED or ATL) or hybrids somewhere in between with various levels of introgression.

Reproductive isolation is handled at two main levels:

  1. First, we consider possible pre-zygotic reproductive isolation during reproduction : we model male aggressiveness on the one hand, and female preference on the other hand. Both can be phenotype dependent, and phenotype is correlated to genotype.
  1. Second, we consider post-zygotic reproductive isolation through egg survival: survival may depend on egg genotype, and could also depend on environmental pressure (here temperature). This part is still at experimental stage.

The goal of this module is to explore the range of conditions and interplay between possible pre- and post-zygotic isolation that may influence the dynamics of intraspecific biodiversity. Because some of these reproductive isolation relationships can be inspired from real data, it should also help to assess the interest for including evolutionary biology in population management models.

Need more information ? A full description can be found in this CAQSIS-2016 talk: